Starter quiz

  • Which numbers are multiples of 1?
    • 7  ✓
    • 4.4
    • 3.93
    • 20  ✓
  • What is the missing number in the sequence?
    What is the missing number in the sequence?
    • '4.2' ✓
  • Match the number to the correct letter on the number line.
    Match the number to the correct letter on the number line.
    • 2.4
      A ✓
    • 4.2
      B ✓
    • 7.4
      C ✓
    • 7.9
      D ✓
  • What are the closest multiples of one that 6.38 sits between?
    • 5 and 7
    • 6 and 7  ✓
    • 6.3 and 6.4
    • 6.3 and 7
  • What is 9.97 rounded to the nearest multiple of 0.1?
    • '10' ✓
  • What is 9.9 rounded to the nearest multiple of 1?
    • '10' ✓