Starter quiz

  • What is the missing number in the sequence?
    What is the missing number in the sequence?
    • '2.34' ✓
  • A is between which multiples of 1?
    A is between which multiples of 1?
    • 9 and 10  ✓
    • 9 and 11
    • 8 and 10
  • What is the previous multiple of one?
    What is the previous multiple of one?
    • '6' ✓
  • A number is between 2 and 3. It has less than 4 tenths. What numbers could it be?
    • 1.3
    • 2.4
    • 2.3  ✓
    • 2.2  ✓
  • What is 7.4 rounded to the nearest multiple of one?
    • '7' ✓
  • Match each number with the multiple of one it would be rounded to.
    • 1.4
      1 ✓
    • 2.7
      3 ✓
    • 3.5
      4 ✓
    • 8.1
      8 ✓
    • 8.9
      9 ✓