Starter quiz

  • Tick the factors of 20
    • 2  ✓
    • 3
    • 5  ✓
    • 15
    • 20  ✓
  • The commutative law states that:
    • You must start multiplying with the first factor in an equation.
    • You can reorder the factors in an equation and the product will remain the same.  ✓
    • You can reorder the factors in an equation but the product will change.
  • If a pair of brackets are placed around two factors such as in 2 × (4 × 7) = , this means:
    • You should multiply these factors first.  ✓
    • You should multiply these factors last.
    • You do not need to multiply these factors.
  • Match the equation to the factor pairs that would be best used to help solve the calculations.
    • 25 × 36 = ___
      4 and 9 ✓
    • 28 × 50 = ___
      2 and 14 ✓
    • 20 × 65 = ___
      5 and 13 ✓
  • Find the product of this equation.
    Find the product of this equation.
    • '300' ✓
  • Find the product of this equation. 50 × 54 = ______
    • '2' ✓