Starter quiz

  • What is the missing label in this bar model?
    What is the missing label in this bar model?
    • 'part' ✓
  • What is the missing whole in this bar model?
    What is the missing whole in this bar model?
    • '300' ✓
  • If I have two 50 pence pieces, how much money do I have altogether? ______ pence.
    • '100' ✓
  • Look at the sequence of the months of the year. Which month is missing?
    Look at the sequence of the months of the year. Which month is missing?
    • 'April' ✓
  • What is the missing part in this bar model?
    What is the missing part in this bar model?
    • '50' ✓
  • Tick the images that correctly show a shape that has been divided into two equal parts.
    • Shape 1
      Shape 1
    • Shape 2
      Shape 2  ✓
    • Shape 3
      Shape 3  ✓
    • Shape 4
      Shape 4