Starter quiz

  • What is the missing whole in this bar model?
    What is the missing whole in this bar model?
    • '300' ✓
  • Which circle has been split into equal parts?
    • Circle 1
      Circle 1
    • Circle 2
      Circle 2  ✓
  • Which strip of paper is being described? It has been folded into 4 equal groups.
    • Strip 1
      Strip 1
    • Strip 2
      Strip 2  ✓
    • Strip 3
      Strip 3
  • Look at the image. Which sentence is correct?
    Look at the image. Which sentence is correct?
    • There ae 3 equal groups.
    • There are 3 unequal groups.  ✓
  • Look at the sequence of months. Which season is missing?
    Look at the sequence of months. Which season is missing?
    • Spring
    • Summer
    • Autumn
    • Winter  ✓
  • Which flag is made up of only equal parts?
    • Flag of Peru
      Flag of Peru  ✓
    • Flag of Costa Rica
      Flag of Costa Rica
    • Flag of Jamaica
      Flag of Jamaica
    • Flag of France
      Flag of France  ✓