Starter quiz

  • Put the missing words from the sentence into the correct order: ___ is the measurement of a ___ surface. It measures a ___ space.
    • 1
    • 2
    • 3
  • Which of these shapes is most commonly used for measuring the area of a 2D space, because it tessellates so well and has right angles?
    • circle
    • square  ✓
    • triangle
    • hexagon
  • Which of the following shapes are rectilinear?
    Which of the following shapes are rectilinear?
    • a
    • b  ✓
    • c
    • d  ✓
  • What is the most efficient way of finding the area of this rectangle?
    What is the most efficient way of finding the area of this rectangle?
    • Count all of the individual squares.
    • Count the squares in one column and then count in steps of that number.  ✓
    • Count the squares in one row and then count in steps of that number.
  • I am counting in threes: 3, 6, 9... Tick all of the numbers that would appear in the sequence when counting in threes.
    • 11
    • 30  ✓
    • 13
    • 21  ✓
    • 18  ✓
  • Which of these would make one whole?
    • One half + one half  ✓
    • One quarter + one quarter
    • One quarter + three quarters  ✓
    • One half + one quarter
    • One third + two thirds  ✓