Starter quiz

  • Match the symbols with the correct meanings.
    • <
      less than ✓
    • >
      greater than ✓
    • =
      equal to ✓
  • Which of the following statements are correct?
    • 28 > 2.8  ✓
    • 28 = 2.8
    • 28 > 28
    • 2.8 > 28
    • 2.8 < 28  ✓
  • Order the following numbers so that they are in ascending order.
    • 1
    • 2
    • 3
    • 4
    • 5
  • Select all of the sequences that are in descending order.
    • 59, 48.2, 5.7, 0, −2  ✓
    • −2, 0, 5.7, 48.2, 59
    • 9.2, 6.73, 3.961, 1  ✓
    • 1, 3.961, 6.73, 9.2
  • Select all of the statements that are true.
    Select all of the statements that are true.
    • a has an area of 8 square units.  ✓
    • b has an area of 10 square units.
    • Both shapes are rectilinear.
    • Both shapes are non-rectilinear.  ✓
    • The small triangles in each shape each make up half a square unit.  ✓
  • Select all of the statements that are true.
    Select all of the statements that are true.
    • a has an area of 16 square units.
    • b has an area of 9 square units.  ✓
    • a takes up more space than b  ✓
    • b takes up less space than a  ✓
    • In both shapes, two small triangles combine to make one square unit.  ✓