Starter quiz

  • Match the keywords to the definition.
    • An angle is
      a measure of turn ✓
    • Rotate means
      to turn around a fixed point ✓
    • Clockwise is
      the direction that hands travel on an analogue clock ✓
    • Anticlockwise is
      the opposite direction to which hands travel on an analogue clock ✓
  • The hands on a clock rotate in a ______ direction.
    • 'clockwise' ✓
  • Which arrows show a clockwise turn?
    Which arrows show a clockwise turn?
    • a  ✓
    • c  ✓
    • c  ✓
  • True or false. Larger angles have longer lines and smaller angles have shorter lines.
    • True
    • False ✓
  • An angle is the amount of ______ around a fixed point.
    • 'turn' ✓
  • Order the angles from largest to smallest.
    Order the angles from largest to smallest.
    • 1
    • 2
    • 3