Starter quiz

  • What is the missing subtrahend?
    What is the missing subtrahend?
    • '7' ✓
  • Which equations have a difference of 10?
    • 14 − 4 =  ✓
    • 16 − 5 =
    • 18 − 7 =
    • 13 − 2 − 1 =  ✓
  • There are 18 slices of pizza. Alex eats some slices. There are 10 slices left. How many slices did Alex eat?
    There are 18 slices of pizza. Alex eats some slices. There are 10 slices left. How many slices did Alex eat?
    • '8' ✓
  • Match each equation with the correct difference.
    • 10 − 5 =
      5 ✓
    • 10 − 3 − 1 =
      6 ✓
    • 10 − 3 − 3 =
      4 ✓
    • 10 − 2 − 5 =
      3 ✓
  • Calculate the missing subtrahend.
    Calculate the missing subtrahend.
    • '5' ✓
  • What could the missing subtrahends be? Tick all the possible answers.
    What could the missing subtrahends be? Tick all the possible answers.
    • 3 and 4  ✓
    • 5 and 1
    • 7 and 0  ✓
    • 6 and 2