Starter quiz

  • What number is halfway between 0 and 100?
    • 20
    • 40
    • 50  ✓
    • 70
  • What number is halfway between 100 and 200?
    • '150' ✓
  • What number is represented by the arrow?
    What number is represented by the arrow?
    • 205
    • 250  ✓
    • 270
    • 350
  • What number is represented by the arrow?
    What number is represented by the arrow?
    • '750' ✓
  • Sofia is thinking of a 10s number that could be represented on the number line. The digits of the number add up to 6. What is the number?
    Sofia is thinking of a 10s number that could be represented on the number line. The digits of the number add up to 6. What is the number?
    • '240' ✓
  • What number is represented by the arrow?
    What number is represented by the arrow?
    • '785' ✓