Starter quiz

  • Match the keyword with the definition.
    • axes
      the plural of axis ✓
    • x axis
      the horizontal line on a coordinate grid or graph ✓
    • y axis
      the vertical line on a coordinate grid or graph ✓
  • A number line showing positive and negative values has marked intervals going up and down in twos. Which of the following numbers would appear as a marked interval?
    • 46  ✓
    • 4.2
    • 0  ✓
    • −58  ✓
    • −65
  • A number line showing positive and negative values has marked intervals going up and down in fives. Which of the following numbers would not appear in between the marked intervals?
    • 75
    • 5.5  ✓
    • −100
    • −65
    • −82  ✓
  • Fill in the gap: 20, 15, 10, 5, 0, ______, −10
    • '-5' ✓
  • Tick all of the statements that are true of this graph.
    Tick all of the statements that are true of this graph.
    • It is a bar graph.  ✓
    • It is a line graph.
    • It has marked intervals.  ✓
    • It has unmarked intervals.
    • The x axis shows the length of the objects.
  • What is the difference between the length of the pencil and the length of the book? <span class="blank">______</span>cm
    What is the difference between the length of the pencil and the length of the book? ______cm
    • '15' ✓