Starter quiz

  • What word or number can be used to describe b on the image?
    What word or number can be used to describe b on the image?
    • '0' ✓
  • Match the letters with their description.
    Match the letters with their description.
    • a
      first floor ✓
    • b
      ground floor ✓
    • c
      first basement ✓
  • Match the places with the correct description of their temperatures.
    Match the places with the correct description of their temperatures.
    • Birmingham
      Positive ✓
    • Swansea
      Neither positive nor negative ✓
    • Edinburgh
      Negative ✓
  • Order these floors of a building from lowest to highest.
    • 1
      second basement
    • 2
      first basement
    • 3
      ground floor
    • 4
      first floor
    • 5
      second floor
  • Match the keyword with the definition.
    • temperature
      how hot or cold something is ✓
    • negative
      numbers less than zero ✓
    • positive
      numbers greater than zero ✓
    • zero
      shows that there is no amount ✓
  • Which of these can be thought of as a negative value?
    • The first of the floors below the ground floor of a hotel.  ✓
    • The first floor above the ground floor of a hotel.
    • Sea level.
    • Underwater.  ✓
    • A thermometer showing −10℃  ✓