Starter quiz

  • The name for the number on the bottom of a fraction is the ____________.
    The name for the number on the bottom of a fraction is the ____________.
    • numerator
    • fractional part
    • denominator  ✓
    • vinculum
  • Tick the expressions that represent this image.
    Tick the expressions that represent this image.
    • 3 + 3 + 3 = 9  ✓
    • 3 × 3 = 9  ✓
    • 9 = 3 + 3 + 3  ✓
    • 6 = 3 × 3
  • Tick the factors of 12
    • 2  ✓
    • 3  ✓
    • 4  ✓
    • 5
    • 6  ✓
  • Which image represents this expression? 4 × \frac{2}{12}
  • Which expression represents this image?
    Which expression represents this image?
    • \frac{2}{8} × 2
    • \frac{2}{8} × 3  ✓
    • \frac{2}{3} × 8
    • 3 × \frac{2}{8}  ✓
  • Which image matches the expression \frac{2}{7} × 3