Starter quiz

  • 630 can be partitioned as __________.
    • 6 tens and 3 tens
    • 6 hundreds and 0 ten
    • 6 hundreds and 3 tens  ✓
    • 6 hundreds and 30 tens
  • Lucas is chanting his 5 times tables: 5, 10, 15, ___. What comes next?
    • 19
    • 20  ✓
    • 21
    • 22
  • Lucas is chanting his 5 times tables in descending order: 60, 55, 50, ______. What comes next?
    • '45' ✓
  • Use short multiplication to calculate this question: 37 × 2 = ______
    • '74' ✓
  • Calculate and sort the multiplication equations into descending order.
    • 1
      4 × 44
    • 2
      45 × 3
    • 3
      44 × 3
    • 4
      0 × 46
  • Use short multiplication to solve this question: Jacob has 29 packets of sweets. Each packet has 3 sweets. How many sweets does her have altogether?
    • '87' ✓