Starter quiz

  • Tick all of the statements which are true.
    • 10 p = 10 × 1 p  ✓
    • £1 = 100 p  ✓
    • There are one hundred pennies in one pound.  ✓
    • £1 = 10 p × 10  ✓
    • There are one hundred ten pences in one pound.
  • Calculate: 253 + 316 = ______
    • '569' ✓
  • Calculate: 2.53 + 3.16 = ______
    • '5.69' ✓
  • Calculate: 4.25 + 2.63 = ______
    • '6.88' ✓
  • Match the vocabulary with the correct definitions.
    • addend
      a number added to another number ✓
    • altogether
      another way of saying 'in total'  ✓
    • regroup
      the process of unitising and exchanging between place values ✓
    • sum
      the result of adding two or more numbers ✓
  • 435 + 99 =
    • '534' ✓