Starter quiz

  • Which of the following are the correct notations for two pounds?
    • 2.00£
    • £2  ✓
    • £2.00  ✓
  • How many 1 p coins are equivalent to £1.00?
    • '100' ✓
  • How many 10 p coins are equivalent to £1.00?
    • '10' ✓
  • Complete the sentence: 1 p is one __________ of £1.00
    • thousandth
    • hundredth  ✓
    • thousandth
  • How many 10 p coins make £5.00?
    • 5
    • 50  ✓
    • 500
    • 5000
  • How many 1 p coins make £10.00?
    • 10
    • 100
    • 1000  ✓
    • 10,000