Starter quiz

  • Look at this sequence of numbers. Which number would come next?
    Look at this sequence of numbers. Which number would come next?
    • '200' ✓
  • Look at the number line. Label the missing number.
    Look at the number line. Label the missing number.
    • '150' ✓
  • Look at the scale on the jug. Which number is missing?
    Look at the scale on the jug. Which number is missing?
    • 650
    • 700
    • 750
    • 800  ✓
  • Look at the containers. Which has the smallest capacity?
    Look at the containers. Which has the smallest capacity?
    • The glass has the smallest capacity.
    • The kettle has the smallest capacity.
    • The cup has the smallest capacity.  ✓
  • Look at the jugs. Which contains the greatest volume of liquid?
    Look at the jugs. Which contains the greatest volume of liquid?
    • A
    • B  ✓
    • C
  • Starting with the smallest volume, put these jugs in the order of the volume of liquid that they contain.
    Starting with the smallest volume, put these jugs in the order of the volume of liquid that they contain.
    • 1
    • 2
    • 3