Starter quiz

  • Which of these units could the volume of liquid in a bottle be measured in?
    • g
    • cm
    • kg
    • ml  ✓
  • Look at the bar model. 100 is composed of four equal parts of <span class="blank">______</span>.
    Look at the bar model. 100 is composed of four equal parts of ______.
    • '25' ✓
  • Look at the jug. Match the 'capacity of the jug' and 'volume of water in the jug' to their measurement.
    Look at the jug. Match the 'capacity of the jug' and 'volume of water in the jug' to their measurement.
    • Capacity of the jug
      400 ml ✓
    • Volume of water in the jug
      150 ml ✓
  • Starting with the jug with the smallest volume of water, put these jugs in order of the water that they contain.
    Starting with the jug with the smallest volume of water, put these jugs in order of the water that they contain.
    • 1
    • 2
    • 3
  • Which jug contains the greatest volume of water?
    Which jug contains the greatest volume of water?
    • A  ✓
    • B
    • C
  • Look at these jugs. What is the total volume of water in the two jugs?
    Look at these jugs. What is the total volume of water in the two jugs?
    • 100 ml
    • 550 ml
    • 560 ml
    • 600 ml  ✓