Starter quiz

  • Look at these objects. Which is heavier?
    Look at these objects. Which is heavier?
    • The pound coin is heavier.
    • The pineapple is heavier.  ✓
    • They both have the same mass.
  • These containers are full to capacity. Starting with the smallest, put the containers in order of the volume of liquid that they contain.
    These containers are full to capacity. Starting with the smallest, put the containers in order of the volume of liquid that they contain.
    • 1
    • 2
    • 3
  • What is the mass of this bowl of cereal?
    What is the mass of this bowl of cereal?
    • 220 g
    • 240 g  ✓
    • 250 g
  • This jug was filled to its capacity. Some liquid was spilt. How much liquid was spilt?
    This jug was filled to its capacity. Some liquid was spilt. How much liquid was spilt?
    • 10 ml
    • 20 ml
    • 25 ml
    • 50 ml  ✓
  • Look at this table of data. What is the last animal in the column with the title 'Pet'?
    Look at this table of data. What is the last animal in the column with the title 'Pet'?
    • 'Rabbit' ✓
  • Look at this same table of data. Look along the row for 'Fish'. How many children own fish?
    Look at this same table of data. Look along the row for 'Fish'. How many children own fish?
    • 10
    • 8
    • 2  ✓
    • 3