Starter quiz

  • Match the multiplication equation to the correct answer.
    • 25 x 8
      = 200  ✓
    • 20 x 12
      = 240 ✓
    • 2 x 125
      = 250 ✓
    • 30 x 7
      = 210  ✓
  • Which of these compound shapes has the largest area?
    Which of these compound shapes has the largest area?
    • a
    • b  ✓
  • Which would be the most efficient strategy to calculate the area of this compound rectilinear shape?
    Which would be the most efficient strategy to calculate the area of this compound rectilinear shape?
    • Split it into two rectangles using a vertical line. Combine the two areas.
    • Draw a rectangle around the shape. Subtract the area of the gap rectangle.  ✓
    • Split it into two rectangles using a horizontal line. Combine the two areas.
  • What are the missing dimensions for the square?
    What are the missing dimensions for the square?
    • 12 cm and 12 cm
    • 11 cm and 12 cm
    • 11 cm and 10 cm
    • 11 cm and 11 cm  ✓
  • Tick all the possible pairs of dimensions from the list.
    Tick all the possible pairs of dimensions from the list.
    • 3 cm and 10 cm
    • 32 cm and 1 cm  ✓
    • 16 cm and 2 cm  ✓
    • 8 cm and 4 cm  ✓
    • 4 cm and 6cm
  • The area of this compound shape is 227 cm². What is the missing dimension?
    The area of this compound shape is 227 cm². What is the missing dimension?
    • 5 cm²
    • 7 cm²  ✓
    • 8 cm²
    • 6 cm²