Starter quiz

  • Match the start and end of the sentences to describe the shapes correctly.
    • A shape with all right angles
      is a rectilinear shape. ✓
    • A shape made of two or more shapes
      is a compound shape. ✓
  • The area of a compound shape made of two rectangles can be calculated by ______ the area of each rectangle.
    • dividing
    • multiplying
    • adding  ✓
  • What is the total area of this compound rectilinear shape? <span class="blank">______</span> m².
    What is the total area of this compound rectilinear shape? ______ m².
    • '70' ✓
  • Which times table fact is needed to calculate the missing area in this rectilinear shape?
    Which times table fact is needed to calculate the missing area in this rectilinear shape?
    • 13 m x 8 m
    • 10 m x 8 m  ✓
    • 8 m x 3 m
  • Which multiplications are needed to calculate the area of the shape?
    Which multiplications are needed to calculate the area of the shape?
    • 7 × 5
    • 15 × 5  ✓
    • 15 × 2  ✓
    • 2 × 5
  • Calculate the area of this rectilinear shape? <span class="blank">______</span> cm²
    Calculate the area of this rectilinear shape? ______ cm²
    • '64' ✓