Starter quiz

  • Which of these subtraction expressions can be more efficiently solved by finding the difference?
    • 75 − 68 =  ✓
    • 96 − 19 =
    • 32 − 25=  ✓
    • 83 − 38 =
  • What is the missing part in this bar model?
    What is the missing part in this bar model?
    • '80' ✓
  • Match the numbers so that they make a pair with a sum of 100.
    • 20
      80 ✓
    • 40
      60 ✓
    • 75
      25 ✓
    • 95
      5 ✓
  • Use a find the difference strategy to calculate: 54 − 47 = ______
    • '7' ✓
  • Use a partitioning strategy to find the sum of 135 and 270
    • '405' ✓
  • Select all the multiples of 10
    • 75
    • 90  ✓
    • 100  ✓
    • 103
    • 150  ✓