Starter quiz

  • 72 is made of ___ tens and 2 ones.
    72 is made of ___ tens and 2 ones.
    • 6
    • 7  ✓
    • 8
  • Select the part-whole model which shows 25.
    Select the part-whole model which shows 25.
    • a
    • b
    • c
    • d  ✓
  • 96 ones ÷ 12 = ______ ones
    • '8' ✓
  • Match the division equation to the answer.
    • 9 ÷ 3
      3 ✓
    • 28 ÷ 4
      7 ✓
    • 18 ÷ 6
      3 ✓
    • 56 ÷ 7
      8 ✓
    • 64 ÷ 8
      8 ✓
  • Which division expression does this image represent?
    Which division expression does this image represent?
    • 9 ÷ 3  ✓
    • 3 ÷ 9
    • 9 ÷ 9
    • 18 ÷ 3
  • Look at the image. The glow sticks are divided equally among the children. How many glow sticks would each child get?
    Look at the image. The glow sticks are divided equally among the children. How many glow sticks would each child get?
    • '5' ✓