Starter quiz

  • What is the missing tens digit in the second addend in the column addition?
    What is the missing tens digit in the second addend in the column addition?
    • '7' ✓
  • What is the missing ones digit in the second addend in the column addition?
    What is the missing ones digit in the second addend in the column addition?
    • '6' ✓
  • What is the sum of the two numbers?
    What is the sum of the two numbers?
    • 105
    • 115
    • 125  ✓
    • 135
  • What would be a good estimate for the sum of 149 + 152?
    • 200
    • 300  ✓
    • 350
    • 400
  • Which of these calculations would it be more efficient to calculate mentally?
    • 648 + 257
    • 435 + 285
    • 199 + 352  ✓
    • 320 + 120  ✓
  • Which calculations will give a sum that is even?
    • 547 + 325  ✓
    • 396 + 207
    • 485 + 352
    • 764 + 188  ✓