Starter quiz

  • Look at this array. It shows 8 groups of 2. It also shows <span class="blank">______</span> groups of 4.
    Look at this array. It shows 8 groups of 2. It also shows ______ groups of 4.
    • '4' ✓
  • If 4 × 2 = 8, what is 8 × 2? ______
    • '16' ✓
  • Match the parts of the sentence.
    • Multiplying by 2 is
      doubling ✓
    • Dividing by 2 is
      halving ✓
  • Match the calculations showing multiples of 4 with the equivalent multiples of 2.
    • 3 × 4 =
      6 × 2 ✓
    • 5 × 4 =
      10 × 2 ✓
    • 2 × 4 =
      4 × 2 ✓
    • 6 × 4 =
      12 × 2 ✓
  • There are 18 socks in a pile. How many pairs of socks can be made? ______ pairs.
    • '9' ✓
  • There are seven cars in a car park. What is the total number of wheels? ______ wheels.
    • '28' ✓