Starter quiz

  • Where did the Vikings originate from?
    • Scandinavia  ✓
    • America
    • Canada
  • What does invasion mean?
    • to win a war against another country
    • to steal things from a country
    • to enter a country armed and capture it  ✓
  • How did the Vikings travel to Britain?
    • aeroplane
    • longboat  ✓
    • on foot
  • The Vikings raided Britain for ______ and silver.
    • 'gold' ✓
  • Place these events in the order in which they happened, starting with the earliest.
    • 1
      Vikings travelled across the sea to Britain.
    • 2
      Vikings first raided Britain.
    • 3
      Vikings settled in places like York.
    • 4
      Modern archaeologists find evidence of Viking artefacts.
  • How do we know the Vikings settled in Britain?
    • Archaeologists have found Viking artefacts.  ✓
    • Children have been told stories about Vikings.
    • Viking houses are still standing today.