Starter quiz

  • According to the myth, __________ was the founder of Rome.
    • Remus
    • Romulus  ✓
    • Julius Caesar
    • Augustus
  • Place the following events in the correct order, starting with the earliest.
    • 1
      Rome was initially ruled by Kings
    • 2
      When the last king of Rome was overthrown, the Roman Republic was created
    • 3
      The Roman Empire followed the Roman Republic
    • 4
      The Roman Empire was split in two by Emperor Diocletian in 286 CE
    • 5
      The Roman Empire was reunited temporarily under Emperor Constantine
    • 6
      The Roman Empire permanently split in two in 395 CE
  • The Byzantine Empire was also known as the __________ Roman Empire.
    • Northern
    • Southern
    • Western
    • Eastern  ✓
  • Match the Roman person to their title.
    • Romulus
      king ✓
    • Julius Caesar
      dictator ✓
    • Augustus
      emperor ✓
    • Brutus
      senator ✓
  • The capital of the Byzantine Empire was...
    • Constantinople  ✓
    • Rome
    • Athens
    • London
  • Match the word to its meaning.
    • Roman senator
      someone who helped the Roman leader to rule ✓
    • citizen
      a member of a country or city  ✓
    • dictator
      a person with complete control over a country ✓
    • emperor
      ruler of an empire ✓