Starter quiz

  • What was the era after the Bronze Age called?
    • Stone Age
    • Iron Age  ✓
    • Roman Britain
    • Victorians
  • What were the people inhabiting Britain during the Iron Age called?
    • 'Celts' ✓
  • What was iron used for in the Iron Age?
    • to make tools  ✓
    • to make weapons  ✓
    • to make coins
    • to make pottery
  • Match the word to the correct definition.
    • argriculture
      the process of farming  ✓
    • settlement
      a place where people live  ✓
    • crops
      plants grown for food ✓
  • What was an Iron Age roundhouse made from?
    • bricks
    • bronze
    • iron
    • stone
    • wood  ✓
  • What tools did Iron Age farmers use?
    • ard plough  ✓
    • electric chainsaw
    • iron sickle  ✓
    • tractors