Starter quiz

  • How many Anglo-Saxon kingdoms were there around 600 CE?
    • 5
    • 6
    • 7  ✓
    • 8
  • What was Augustine sent to Britain to do by the Pope in 597 CE?
    • attack Britain to bring it back under Roman control
    • convert the pagan Anglo-Saxons to Christianity  ✓
    • meet with St Columbanus
    • see what the Anglo-Saxons had built
  • What is the name of the tribe that arrived in Britain from Ireland around the early 400s CE?
    • 'The Scots' ✓
  • Match the Anglo-Saxon god or goddess with the day of the week named after them.
    • Tiw
      Tuesday ✓
    • Woden
      Wednesday ✓
    • Thor
      Thursday ✓
    • Frig
      Friday ✓
  • What three things did the Roman Christians and Celtic Christians disagree on?
    • the dates of Easter  ✓
    • what language church services should be in  ✓
    • whether they should celebrate Christmas or not
    • how monks should shave their hair  ✓
    • where the next church should be built
  • What was the name given to the meeting between the Celtic and Roman Christians to decide what type of Christianity should be used in Britain?
    • The Holy Meeting
    • The Christian Conference
    • Hilda's Great Meeting
    • The Synod of Whitby  ✓