Starter quiz

  • A monologue is from the perspective of ...
    • the audience.
    • one character.  ✓
    • multiple characters.
  • When you're describing a scene to an audience, you want them to feel ...
    • connected to the scene.  ✓
    • disconnected to the scene.
    • as if they can't picture the scene.
  • Personification is ...
    • giving human emotions to the weather only.
    • giving human characterstics to non-human things.  ✓
    • using three related words for emphasis.
  • Emotive language is designed to make you feel ...
    • deep sadness.
    • strong emotion.  ✓
    • intense anger.
  • Which of the following is an example of personification?
    • The moon shone like a beacon.
    • The moon grumbled.  ✓
    • She drank in the moonlight.
  • Which of the following is an effective line for a monologue?
    • She stood like a statue - unable to move.
    • Their gaze felt like pinpricks on my skin.  ✓
    • Harley trembled with an all-consuming feeling of dread.