Starter quiz

  • Match the quote from 'The Tempest' with the explanation.
    • "Chick"
      Prospero speaks kindly to Ariel. ✓
    • "Malignant thing"
      Prospero speaks unkindly to Ariel. ✓
    • "Thou liest"
      Prospero speaks unkindly to Ariel. ✓
  • Which of the following can the word 'noble' mean?
    • A person of higher rank.  ✓
    • A person of lower rank.
    • A person with good morals.  ✓
    • A person with bad morals.
  • In Shakespeare's 'The Tempest', Prospero threatens to magically imprison Ariel in a tree. What does this tell us about their relationship?
    • Ariel is more powerful than Prospero.
    • Prospero is more powerful than Ariel.  ✓
    • They are equally powerful.
  • In Shakespeare's 'The Tempest', Ariel calls Prospero his "noble master". What might this suggest?
    • That Ariel controls Prospero.
    • That Prospero controls Ariel.  ✓
    • That Prospero is superior to Ariel.  ✓
    • That Ariel is superior to Prospero.
  • Which of the following is the clearest topic sentence?
    • Shakespeare wrote The Tempest.
    • Shakespeare presents Prospero as a controlling character.
    • Shakespeare presents Prospero as controlling through his imperative language.  ✓
  • The act, process or manner of performing a play or show is known as ______.
    • 'staging' ✓