Starter quiz

  • Which of these characters are considered outsiders in Shakespeare's 'The Tempest'?
    • Gonzalo
    • Ariel  ✓
    • Alonso
    • Caliban  ✓
  • Someone who is not accepted into a particular group and feels as if they don't belong is known as ...
    • an outsider  ✓
    • an insider
    • a mentor
    • a villain
  • How long ago did Shakespeare write his plays?
    • twenty years ago
    • four hundred years ago  ✓
    • one hundred years ago
    • seven hundred years ago
  • How would you expect Shakespearean society to be in comparison to modern society?
    • exactly the same
    • some differences  ✓
    • very similar
  • To feel separated from other people means to feel ...
    • accepted
    • isolated  ✓
    • included
    • powerful
  • What does it mean to consider someone's perspective?
    • consider how they'd feel in a situation  ✓
    • disregard how they'd feel in a situation
    • consider how you'd feel in a situation
    • plan out a situation in advance