Starter quiz

  • Shakespeare's 'The Tempest' is a...
    • comedy.  ✓
    • tragedy.
    • history.
    • problem play.
  • A society where there is a lack of fair treatment in the distribution of wealth and resources is considered an example of...
    • fairness.
    • justice.
    • inequality.  ✓
    • prejudice.
  • In Shakespeare's 'The Tempest', Caliban is enslaved by Prospero - which of the following would we say about their relationship?
    • Prospero celebrates Caliban.
    • Prospero torments Caliban.  ✓
    • Caliban likes Prospero.
    • Prospero is jealous of Caliban.
  • In Shakespeare's 'The Tempest', Prospero and Ariel can both use magic; however, Prospero is the master of Ariel and Caliban. Put the characters in order of who has the most power.
    • 1
    • 2
    • 3
  • What does it mean to exploit someone?
    • To treat them fairly.
    • To use them for your advantage.  ✓
    • To wish them well.
    • To dislike them.
  • Shakespeare's work is largely considered timeless because...
    • he wrote in a language everyone can understand.
    • he referenced future events.
    • he wrote about universal themes such as ambition and love.  ✓