Starter quiz

  • A first impression of someone is what you think they're like having met them for the ______.
    • first time  ✓
    • second time
    • third time
    • last time
  • If someone's first response after meeting you is to ask a question, what might this suggest?
    • They aren't sure about something.  ✓
    • They feel convinced about something.
    • They feel really strongly about you.
  • In Shakespeare's 'The Tempest', how is Caliban treated by Prospero?
    • cruelly  ✓
    • kindly
    • like an equal
  • Which of the following are connotations of 'monster'?
    • something scary  ✓
    • something shy
    • something cruel  ✓
    • something jealous
  • Using commands is known as ______ language.
    • 'imperative' ✓
  • If you repeatedly use imperative language when talking to someone then it suggests you feel ______.
    • superior to them  ✓
    • inferior to them
    • indifferent towards them
    • equal to them