Starter quiz

  • The three parts of a monologue are the beginning, middle and ...
    • 'end' ✓
  • Ideally, you want the beginning of a monologue to ...
    • capture the reader's attention  ✓
    • disinterest the reader
    • use first person narrative voice
  • The structure of a monologue is the way it is ...
    • organised  ✓
    • described
    • received
  • The general mood and emotion of a text is known as the ...
    • tone  ✓
    • perspective
    • pace
  • Using the same word or sentence more than once is known as ...
    • regeneration
    • repetition  ✓
    • enjambment
  • The phrase 'bringing the darkness' could evoke feelings of ...
    • joy
    • fear  ✓
    • tranquility