Starter quiz

  • The five senses are: taste, touch, sight, hear, and ______.
    • 'smell' ✓
  • The word 'improper' means ______.
    • Something socially acceptable.
    • Something socially unacceptable.  ✓
    • Something peaceful.
    • Something loud.
  • A theatre is a place where people go to...
    • watch a sport.
    • watch a performance.  ✓
    • see famous art.
  • What does being a Puritan mean?
    • Someone who enjoys the theatre.
    • Someone who has strict moral values.  ✓
    • Someone who is against the aristocracy.
    • Someone who works hard.
  • The purpose of special effects in film, theatre and TV is...
    • to make it more realistic.  ✓
    • to make the actors feel more comfortable.
    • to make it look unrealistic
    • to keep the audience from getting bored
  • Match the emotion with the description.
    • Peace
      A calm sea ✓
    • Panic
      A storm ✓
    • Sadness
      Rain ✓