Starter quiz

  • ______ is the mood or feeling of a piece of writing.
    • 'atmosphere' ✓
  • Pathetic fallacy is...
    • when two or more words begin with the same letter
    • when the weather reflects the mood  ✓
    • when the writer begins each paragraph with the same phrase
    • when the word sounds like the noise it represents
    • when a comparison is made between two things that are similar, but not the same
  • An extended metaphor is...
    • a comparison of two things are that not the same using 'like' or 'as'
    • a comparison of two things are that not the same
    • a comparison of two things that are not the same that runs throughout a text  ✓
    • a comparison of two different characters and their contrasting views
  • Why is the moon often present in Gothic settings?
    • the moon is white, and white is a Gothic colour
    • the moon is the opposite to the sun, which makes it represent evil
    • it comes out at night, which is a dark time when mysterious things can happen  ✓
    • we often associate the moon with supernatural occurrences  ✓
  • What does oppressive mean?
    • kind and benevolent
    • cruel and harsh  ✓
    • weak and mild
    • angry and spiteful
  • Which of the following story openings creates the most ominous atmosphere?
    • Bright, white snow lined the roofs ahead...
    • Hard, bullet-like rain pelted the pavements...
    • Beaming, the sun smiled down on the village...
    • The thick, black night cloaked the ruins...  ✓
    • A light fog spread through the street...