Starter quiz

  • Which colours might we expect to see in a Gothic text?
    • pink
    • black  ✓
    • red  ✓
    • blue
    • silver
  • Which of the following creatures might feature in a Gothic text?
    • black cat  ✓
    • mouse
    • dolphin
    • bat  ✓
    • dog
  • In the text 'Frankenstein', what does Victor Frankenstein attempt to create?
    • a cat
    • a dog
    • a baby
    • a man  ✓
    • a ghost
  • In 'Frankenstein', what does the creature ask Frankenstein for in the novel?
    • a sister
    • a mate  ✓
    • a child
    • a pet
  • What might the phrase 'playing God' mean?
    • turning one's back on faith and God
    • dressing up as God
    • performing acts that only God should be able to do  ✓
    • making alliances with the devil
    • denying the existence of God
  • Which of the following is not a Gothic convention we see in 'Frankenstein'?
    • mutliple narrators
    • extreme violence
    • excessive emotional states
    • ghosts and spirits  ✓
    • battles between good and evil