Starter quiz

  • What is a symbol?
    • a character who represents an approach
    • an object that represents an idea  ✓
    • a narrative structure
    • an object that represents the characters
  • At which points in 'The Tell-Tale Heart' does the narrator hear the beating heart of the old man?
    • in the beginning when he spies on the old man
    • when he sneaks into the old man's room and is hiding in wait to kill him  ✓
    • when the police first arrive at the house, just after he has killed the old man
    • when the police have sat down and are conversing with the narrator  ✓
  • Which words are used to describe the old man's eye in 'The Tell-Tale Heart'?
    • "pale, blue, vulture-like"  ✓
    • "milky, white, rat-like"
    • "pale, opaque and eel-like"
    • "blue, bright, snake-like"
  • Robbers intrude on people's homes. What might 'to intrude' mean?
    • to enter somewhere you are not supposed to be  ✓
    • to say something you are not supposed to say
    • to take something that is not yours
    • to move something away from its correct home
  • How does the narrator in 'The Tell-Tale Heart' murder the old man?
    • He stabs him and then lets him bleed out
    • He strangles him with his bare hands
    • He hits him over the head with a floor board
    • He smothers him with his own bed  ✓
  • Which of the following quotations best shows the narrator's hysteria and loss of control in 'The Tell-Tale Heart'?
    • "But even yet I refrained and kept still. I scarcely breathed."
    • "I bade the gentlemen welcome."
    • "Oh God! what could I do? I foamed—I raved—I swore!"  ✓
    • "Upon the eighth night I was more than usually cautious in opening the door. "
    • "You should have seen how wisely I proceeded—with what caution"