Starter quiz

  • What does the word 'regret' mean?
    • to wish you had done things differently  ✓
    • to hate another person or thing
    • to apologise for something you have done
    • to not live life to its fullest
  • Which of these events from 'Frankenstein' comes first in the novel?
    • The Creature murders Elizabeth
    • Victor agrees to create a mate for his Creature
    • The murder of Victor's brother  ✓
    • Justine's execution
  • Which of the following is a Gothic convention?
    • only one central character
    • a strong, independent female character
    • an isolated and egotistical protagonist  ✓
    • a relatable and likeable best friend character
    • at least two supernatural characters
  • What does the Creature in 'Frankenstein' blame his violence and misery on?
    • the fact that Victor is his creator
    • the fact that he was shunned by his creator  ✓
    • the fact that he has no friends or family  ✓
    • the fact that he does not like being part of society
    • the fact that he was not educated
  • What does Victor warn Robert Walton about in 'Frankenstein'?
    • creating a Creature like the one he created
    • protecting family and friends from harm
    • pursuing knowledge relentlessly and unethically  ✓
    • travelling to icy parts of the world
    • isolating oneself from society
  • What was Mary Shelley criticising about society through the novel 'Frankestein'?
    • the class system and the inequality it created (especially the lower classes)
    • the way people treated one another - their lack of kindness and empathy  ✓
    • the lack of social and political progress in society
    • the constantly-advancing nature of science (often without ethical consideration)  ✓
    • the oppression that women faced in society