Starter quiz

  • What is structure?
    • the kind or type of text
    • the story of a text
    • the way in which we organise a text  ✓
    • what comes where and why in a text  ✓
    • the time in which a text was produced
  • What is tension?
    • a feeling of confusion that the reader gets when things are unclear
    • the feeling that something bad or unpleasant might happen  ✓
    • a feeling of relief the reader gets at the end of the text
    • a feeling of anticipation as the reader waits to discover something  ✓
  • Which of the following describes 'mirroring'?
    • changing the focus of your writing to build tension
    • repeating ideas throughout a text
    • reflecting ideas from the beginning of a text again at the end  ✓
    • using the same metaphor throughout a piece of writing
  • Which of the following words is an example of an adverb?
    • aghast
    • slowly  ✓
    • frightened
    • silently  ✓
    • shivering
  • Which of the following is an example of a cliff-hanger?
    • The end.
    • The door slammed as the realisation dawned on me: it had been him all along...  ✓
    • I struggled on, without hope and without answers.
    • And that was how I became world champion.
  • Which of the following similes would be most appropriate in this Gothic description: "Her windows, like __________ stared out into the abyss, reflecting only the pallor of the moon"?
    • rare crystals
    • vacant eyes  ✓
    • pools of blue lagoon
    • sheets of ice