Starter quiz

  • Who wrote 'Jane Eyre'?
    • Mary Brontë
    • Emily Brontë
    • Charlotte Brontë  ✓
    • Anne Brontë
    • Lucinda Brontë
  • What is the key aim of Gothic literature?
    • to unsettle readers  ✓
    • to make readers feel angry
    • to mystify readers  ✓
    • to make readers feel indifferent
    • to excite readers
  • The novel 'Jane Eyre' was set in the ______ era.
    • 'Victorian' ✓
  • What is Jane childhood relationship like with her Aunt Reed in 'Jane Eyre'?
    • close - they share a very loving relationship
    • distant - they do not see much of one another
    • tense - Aunt Reed was cruel to Jane as a child  ✓
    • expected - there was nothing special about Jane and Aunt Reed's relationship
  • What was the boarding school that Jane was sent to as a child called in 'Jane Eyre'?
    • Hightop Institute
    • Gateshead Institute
    • Thornfield Institute
    • Lowood Institute  ✓
  • Match the terminology up to its definition.
    • semantic field
      a group of words which all have similar connotations ✓
    • pathetic fallacy
      when the weather reflects the mood ✓
    • alliteration
      when two or more words begin with the same letter ✓
    • simile
      comparing two things that are not the same using 'like' or 'as' ✓
    • connotation
      the associations we make with a given word ✓