Starter quiz

  • Which of the following characteristics would we expect to see in a Gothic setting?
    • light
    • modern
    • old  ✓
    • dark  ✓
    • colourful
  • What do we associate the moon with, that would make a description of the moon useful in Gothic writing?
    • guidance
    • supernatural occurrences  ✓
    • beauty
    • mystery  ✓
    • hope
  • Which of the following is an example of a semantic field you might find in Gothic literature?
    • red, green, blue, orange, yellow
    • Mr, Mrs, Sir, Madam, Miss
    • old, dark, dank, decaying, desolate  ✓
    • unloved, unhappy, uncared for, unbelievable
  • Which word has the most negative connotations?
    • empty
    • left
    • deserted
    • abandoned  ✓
  • Which of the following words might you use to describe a Gothic setting?
    • humming
    • dank  ✓
    • comforting
    • shimmering
    • enchanted
  • Read this description: "so dank and green were its decaying walls". What impression do you get of this setting?
    • It is modest and comfortable.
    • It is abandoned and neglected.  ✓
    • It is frightful and terrifying.
    • It is grand and ornate.
    • It is homely and cosy.