Starter quiz

  • What is a non-fiction text?
    • a text that provides information about real-life topics  ✓
    • a text about someone's life
    • a story that is made up
    • a text that actors use to act from
  • Match the words to the correct definitions.
    • biography
      a story of someone's life ✓
    • non-fiction text
      a text that provides information about real-life topics ✓
    • fictional story
      a made-up story about characters who aren't real ✓
  • Which of these are true for non-fiction texts?
    • A non-fiction text is written with informal language only.
    • A non-fiction text is imaginary.
    • A non-fiction text is full of facts and information.  ✓
    • There are many different types of non-fiction text.  ✓
  • What is a fronted adverbial?
    • It starts a sentence.  ✓
    • It makes sense by itself.
    • It is followed by a comma.  ✓
    • It describes a noun.
  • Which of these is not an example of formal language?
    • However,
    • Interestingly,
    • As a result,
    • You won't believe it!  ✓
  • Match the word class to its example.
    • noun
      information ✓
    • verb
      continue ✓
    • adjective
      influential ✓
    • adverb
      carefully ✓