Starter quiz

  • Put the events shown in the text map in the correct order.
    Put the events shown in the text map in the correct order.
    • 1
      Darwin was sent to Edinburgh to study medicine, but he didn't enjoy it.
    • 2
      He was sent to Cambridge to study to be a vicar.
    • 3
      Here, he spent a lot of time collecting insects (his favourite hobby).
    • 4
      In 1831, he joined the voyage of HMS Beagle.
    • 5
      The Beagle spent five years circumnavigating the globe.
  • Match the sections of our Darwin biography to appropriate subheadings we could use for them.
    • early life
      a privileged childhood ✓
    • university and the Beagle
      an incredible voyage ✓
    • the Galapagos
      an amazing archipelago ✓
    • Darwin's theory
      a groundbreaking discovery ✓
  • Which of the following is an appropriate note for the paragraph about Darwin's early life?
    • Darwin was born in 1809 into a wealthy family.
    • Darwin noticed that the birds had different-shaped beaks.
    • different-shaped beaks
    • 1809 - wealthy family  ✓
  • Match the subject-specific vocabulary words to their meanings.
    • specimens
      samples of animals or plants ✓
    • observations
      things a scientist notices ✓
    • academic studies
      what you study at university ✓
    • archipelago
      a group of islands ✓
  • Match the subject-specific vocabulary words to their meanings.
    • contribution
      what a person does that is significant or important ✓
    • endemic species
      a species found only in that particular place ✓
    • theory
      a set of ideas to explain why something happens ✓
    • circumnavigate
      go all the way around ✓
  • Which of the following are cohesive devices?
    • semi-colon  ✓
    • parenthesis  ✓
    • fronted adverbials  ✓
    • full stops