Starter quiz

  • Mary Seacole was born in which year?
    • 1805  ✓
    • 1905
    • 2005
  • What country was Mary Seacole born in?
    • England
    • France
    • Jamaica  ✓
  • What job did Mary's mother do?
    • teacher
    • doctress  ✓
    • farmer
  • Mary had to pay for her own journey to Crimea. How long did it take her?
    • 3 months  ✓
    • 3 weeks
    • 3 years
  • Mary set up the British Hotel in Crimea, but it wasn't actually a hotel. What was it?
    • a cinema
    • a hospital  ✓
    • a school
  • Mary Seacole was the first black woman in Britain to do what?
    • write a children's book
    • write a newspaper report
    • write her autobiography  ✓