Starter quiz

  • Which two pieces of equipment should you use when drawing a graph?
    • pen
    • pencil
      pencil  ✓
    • ruler
      ruler  ✓
    • plain paper
      plain paper
  • How many students in this class can only roll their tongue into a straw shape?
    How many students in this class can only roll their tongue into a straw shape?
    • '14' ✓
  • How many students in this class cannot roll their tongue?
    How many students in this class cannot roll their tongue?
    • '7' ✓
  • The peas produced by pea plants can either be smooth or wrinkled. This is an example of ______ variation.
    • 'discontinuous' ✓
  • Data for discontinuous variation should always be plotted on a ...
    • bar chart.  ✓
    • histogram.
    • line graph.
    • photograph.
  • Which two of the statements below are conclusions that could be drawn from the data in the bar chart?
    Which two of the statements below are conclusions that could be drawn from the data in the bar chart?
    • The total number of individuals was 14.
    • The category with the fewest individuals in it was “cannot roll tongue".  ✓
    • The most common variation was the ability to roll tongue into a straw shape.  ✓
    • Tongue rolling is an example of continuous variation.