Starter quiz

  • When measuring the circumference of an apple, which piece of equipment would give the most accurate measurement?
    • fabric tape measure
      fabric tape measure  ✓
    • ruler
    • metal tape measure
      metal tape measure
  • What is meant by "variation"?
    • differences between organisms of the same species  ✓
    • similarities between organisms of the same species
    • reproduction between organisms of the same species
  • When measuring the mass of an apple, which piece of equipment should be used?
    • balance
      balance  ✓
    • weighing scales
      weighing scales
    • magnifying glass
      magnifying glass
    • quadrat
  • A disorder such as cystic fibrosis is a form of variation that is a caused by ...
    • genetic factors.  ✓
    • environmental factors.
    • lifestyle choices.
  • Match each example of variation between humans to their cause.
    • Hair that is dyed pink ...
      is only caused by a lifestyle choice. ✓
    • Having blood type A ...
      is only caused by genetic factors. ✓
    • Body mass ...
      is caused by a combination of factors. ✓
    • A person's first (native) language ...
      is only caused by environmental factors. ✓
  • A plant is wilting due to lack of water. This is an example of variation caused by the plant's <span class="blank">______</span>.
    A plant is wilting due to lack of water. This is an example of variation caused by the plant's ______.
    • 'environment' ✓