Starter quiz

  • What happens to most solutes as the temperature of a solvent increases?
    • They dissolve more quickly.  ✓
    • They become insoluble.
    • Their mass increases.
    • They evaporate with the solvent.
  • When drawing a graph in science, which of the following graphs have their variables plotted correctly?
  • What is typically used in science to predict values from a graph?
    • A line of best fit.  ✓
    • The axis labels.
    • The title of the graph.
    • The mean values before they're plotted.
    • A bar chart.
  • Solubility is a description of how well a solvent can dissolve into a solute.
    • True
    • False ✓
  • What type of graph is most appropriate for showing the relationship between suggested variables? KEY: Independent variable (IV) | Dependent variable (DV)
    • bar chart
      IV: hair colour | DV: number of students ✓
    • scatter chart
      IV: mass of sugar | DV: time taken to dissolve ✓
    • table of results
      IV: shoe size | DV: favourite food ✓
  • The term for the measure of how much a substance can dissolve in a given amount of solvent at a specific temperature is...
    • 'solubility' ✓