Starter quiz

  • Which of the following measurements would you use a ruler for?
    • measuring the volume of an object
    • measuring the height of an object  ✓
    • measuring the mass of an object
    • measuring the length of an object  ✓
  • Which of the following is not used for measuring the amount of a substance?
  • A ______ burner is used to heat substances in a laboratory.
    • 'Bunsen' ✓
  • All substances are made up of matter, which has __________ and mass.
    • colour
    • electricity
    • volume  ✓
    • magnetism
  • When a substance is heated, the force of <span class="blank">______</span> between its particles is overcome.
    When a substance is heated, the force of ______ between its particles is overcome.
    • 'attraction' ✓
  • What is the name of the process in which a liquid becomes a gas at the surface of a substance?
    • 'evaporation' ✓